
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thankful Gift Bags

OH wow!! WE love these gift bags.  What a perfect way to say thank you and add some little goodies inside along with a note of thanks!!

Monique Liedtke

Hi everyone! For today's project I chose to create 6 little gift bags with Imaginisce's Give Thanks collection, which I want to use on our dinner table for Thanksgiving. I decorated the bags and added the names so I can also use them as name plates. I want to put a little something in the bags, like a mint chocolate to have with the coffee we always drink right after dinner and add a little personal wish.

I used a die set from American Crafts to create the bags and decorated them with die-cuts, phrase stickers, sticker-stackers, puffy stickers and enamel dots from Imaginisce's Give Thanks collection. Here're some detail photos:

And on the back of the gift bags I added a little phrase sticker as well:

Aren't they cute?! 

To create the bows I used a fork and a piece of ribbon and followed the instructions I found here on Pinterest. Of course I used Imaginisce's "I-Magicut", the ribbon cutter and sealer to make sure all the bows had nice smooth ends: 

The I-Magicut tool is so simple to use: just place your ribbon inside, close the top and press the button a few seconds so the thin metal wire inside the tool heats up and cuts through the ribbon and sealing it at the same time:

And this is what I had in mind for our table setting. The little bow adds a nice finishing touch, don't you agree? 

And here they all are once again:

Imaginisce: patterned paper, die-cuts, puffy stickers, sticker stackers, phrase stickers, enamel dots (Give Thanks); American Crafts: Shimelle die-set. Tools: Imaginisce I-Magicut.

Thank you so much for stopping by our blog today! I hope you'll have a fabulous Thanksgiving! 


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