As Seen on TV: Good Things Utah
Yesterday the lovely Deanna showed a fun Easter basked made from paper and decorated with Gimme Clips. Click here to for the instructions. It was a great segment and you can watch it now at the end of this post.
Now for those of you in Utah, you may want to go purchase your kit before tomorrow and not wait to see if you will win it. But for those of you not around this area, what a great opportunity to win this. We'll give you until Monday morning to enter. To enter, simply go to our Gimme Clips Facebook page and LIKE us (the other half of us at least). Then come back and leave a comment. For a second chance to enter, leave a comment and tell us what your favorite Easter candy is!
Remember these are only at the Costco stores through tomorrow!! Read more about the other great Gimme Clips products available too.
Note: On the segment the tool was referred to as the i-rock, but at Costco stores it is referred to as the Gimme Glam Kit.
Oh my this is an awesome kit!! Wish I had a Cosco near me!
What an awesome kit!! My favorite Easter candy is the Reese's eggs!
OOf! No Costco here where I live! I love the glam, though, and I LOVE Cadbury Creme Eggs!
I "like" gimme clips on facebook!
I "like" Gimme Clips on facebook!
Wow this would be so great to win! I love bling! and since I am in Canada..I know are costco will not have them. Thanks for the chance to win.
Yay! I love Whoppers Eggs!! Thanks. Hoppy Easter!
Need to check out Costco today!!! I love Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs and chocolate covered Marshmellow Eggs those are my fav's!!!
Just finished liking your facebook page. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am a fan of gimme Clips on FB.
"liked" gimme clips on facebook!
LOVE all things chocolate! But mostly love the white chocolate bunny I buy for myself every year.
my fav easter treat is cadbury creme eggs.. droooool.. hehehe!
I just "liked" you on FB. :)
stars paper passion at gmail dot com
My favorite Easter candy is Reeses eggs. Thanks for the chance at such an awesome prize!
stars paper passion at gmail dot com
I can't wait to find this kit at my Costco!!
just liked gimmie clips on Facebook! Thanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite easter candy is Starburst jelly beans!
I love i-rock!!!! I just became a fan of gimmie glam and shared on my FB page!!! My favorite Easter candy??? That's hard to choose...peanut butter cups and jelly beans.
just found the facebook page, would LOVE to win, thanks for a chance!!! I sooo want to get one of these in my hands.
stampinlara at yahoo dot com
Just liked on facebook! i love Reeses peanut butter eggs!
Oh what fun! Would be soooo cool to win that kit!
BTW, my favorite Easter candy has got to be, hmmmmmmm...Cadbury Eggs. I love the mini dozen you can purchase!
I can't help it, my daughters have disclosed their favorite Easter candy. My youngest daughters favorite candy is "every one. every Easter candy there is." My oldest daughters favorite Easter candy is pink PEEPS. I can attest to that!
Congrats on expanding into Costco even for a brief moment. I tried some coconut flavored M & M candies and it was so good.
Is it only available at Utah area Costco's??? I would love to have this kit! They need to sell it nation wide!
My favorite Easter candy is a Cadbury Egg!
I "Liked" Gimme Clips Facebook page!! This is a great set!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I "like" Gimme Clips on facebook!
I liked the Gimme Clips. Why the name change?
I LIKED on FB! :)
My favorite Easter candy is anything coated in Dark Chocolate!!! Just found Dark Chocolate covered Peeps, yum, yum, they are so good!!
I would LOVE to win this kit! I just was fancying up DD's Easter eggs and so could have used this!
My favorite Easter Candies is the New Metal eggs Willy Wonka has been making the last couple of years with Sweettarts in them!
Fabulous Kit!!!! wow! thanks for the chance!
Robins' Eggs are my favorite Easter candy.
Awesome! Fave easter candy is reese's pb eggs!!
Wow, congrats! Wish I had a membership to cosco!
Cadbury creme eggs are my fave.
Awesome! Liked them on FB
My fave easter candy would be cadbury yummy!
I "liked: you on Facebook!
My favorite Easter candy is getting harder to find, and it is "Bunnies, Ducks & Chick" by sweettarts. Love them.
I liked "Gimme Clips" on FB
My favorite Easter candy, chocolate Easter eggs, no Peeps for me. :)
My favorite Easter candy is Cadbury Mini Eggs. This is a great kit. I wish I had a Costco near me. Thanks for the chance to win.
Just liked you on Facebook! Too Cute!!!
My all time Favorite Easter Candy is Resee's Peanut Butter Eggs! I think I have eaten a million of them just this year alone! LOL
I like Cadbury mini eggs!
Liked it on my facebook!!
I already like you on Facebook :)
This was a terrific video...loads of inspiration!
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Oh! and my favorite easter candy is the cadbury egg so delicious! Thanks for a chance to win.
Like it on Facebook
I love Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs!
I forgot to mention my favorite Easter candy is the Reese's peanut butter eggs.
Oh how I wish we had a Costco!!!! I am already a fan of Gimmie Clips!
Favorite Easter Candy....Cadbury Cream eggs...for as long as I can remember!
Me too! easter creme eggs!
Wow, would love this! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!
Cadbury mini eggs are my favorite!
I like Gimme Clips!!! thanks for this awesome chance to win!!!
staci412 at optonline dot net
My all time fav Easter Candy...ya have to litterally hide them from me if there is more than one is Cadbury Carmel eggs (refridgerated) oh to die for!!!! Mmmmmm!!!!
Thanks again for the chance to win!
staci412 at optonline dot net
My favorite Easter candy are Cadbury eggs - all kinds. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a friend of Gimme Clips now! :-)
Wow I wish I had a costco near me.. What a awesome clip =)
I would love to win this cause I'm in Pa.
I already liked their site but I visited them and sent them a hello anyway.
Thanks for the chance to win.
mpetrovich23 at yahoo dot com
My "All Time" Favorite Easter Candy is the Cadbury Milk Chocolate Eggs you know the pastel colors with the hard shell.....mmmmmm I love em'
Thanks for the chance to win.
mpetrovich23 at yahoo dot com
I "LIKE"d gimme clips on Facebook. :-) Wish I had a Costco near me!
My fav Easter candy is a tie between the Milk Chocolate Cadbury Mini Eggs(I've gone thru about 6 bags already, I started buying them as soon as they were put out, lol) and Peeps(I slice open the package and let them sit for a couple of days before I eat them...).
Love the gimme clips and I am in Canada so there not at my Costco:( I love Cadbury Bunnies filled with caramel...yummy!
I "Like" Gimme Clips on FB.
My favorite Easter candy is Cadbury caramel eggs.
I "Like" Gimme Clips on FB.
debbie_craine at hot mail dot com
Reeses Easter eggs are my favorite candy.
debbie_craine at hot mail dot com
My fave Easter Candy is either Peanut m&m's or cadbury mini eggs, can't choose just one.
Why is it when a cool product gets introduced into a certain store and they are never near me. :(
Cool kit though, thanks for the chance to win.
Melissa D
This would be a fabulous treat from the Easter Bunny but no Costco's here. Love the basket on the video!!
My favorite candy is Jelly Beans, but they have to be the StarBurst, thanks!!
I "liked" Gimme Clips, and already like you!!
How fun!!! Thanks for the chance to win! Looks fab! Have liked the FB page too :-)
mscarlene at hotmail dot com
Cadbury Eggs...for sure. I love them, thank goodness they are not in stores year round or I would be in trouble!!
One word...AWESOME. (and I liked your other half on FB)
My favorite Easter candy? Chocolate bunnies...hallowed of course!
i liked gimme clips!
my favoriate easter candy is cadbury creme eggs! love them
My favorite easter candy is dark belgian chocolate.
What an awesome kit!ish we had a Costco's here. I liked Gimme Clips on facebook! :)
My favorite Easter candy is jelly beans. Not the new kind like jelly bellie or jolly rancher. The original kind from brachs. :)
My favorite Easter Candy is Speckled Malted Milk Eggs. Yum!!!!
I really wish I had a costco close by. I need this kit.
Cool kit! I love Peeps but can't have them anymore now that I am diabetic. : (
What an awesome kit!! My favorite Easter candy is the JELLYBEAN eggs wITH M&M
Rebecca Minor
Yay!!! Awesomeness!!! My fave is chocolate bunnies... the Cadbury and Red Tulip ones!
Awesome giveaway!! Liked Gimmie Clips on facebook. My favorite Easter candy is the Reese's peanut butter eggs! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Those cadbury eggs!!! YUM!
Like both Imaginisce and Gimme Clips!!!
I liked it and said you sent me!
I love sour candy... I know not traditional but I do love it and my Easter Bunny isn't judging hehehe!
I am a fan of gimme Clips on FB!!!!!
My favorite Easter treat are the marshmallow treats covered with chocolate! MMMMM
And my Mom always makes cabbage rolls for supper!!!! DELICIOUS!!!
I "like" the Gimme Clips FB page. :)
My fave easter candies are peeps and the Cadbury Creme eggs. :)
I went and am now a fan of gimme Clips on FB!!
Tanya P.
Phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
My favorite Easter candies are Jelly Beans!!
Tanya P.
Phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
WOW.. so cool.. my favorite candy is Cadbury Eggs.. :) hehe.. thanks so much for the chance to win.. HUGS
familybubbles at hotmail dot com
What an super awesome basket full of treats!!!! I am no where near a Costco so I would be tickled to win one!!
How wonderful!
I don't live anywhere near a Costco, might have to send the daughter!
My favorite Eater candy are the easter creme eggs!
I "like" Gimme Clips on Facebook! This is a great chance to win some yummy Easter blog candy!!!
My favorite Easter candy are the Cadbury Caramilk bunnies....lots of caramel!
Awesome kit! Just liked Gimme clips on FB.
I like the Cadbury mini eggs. Yum!
Super kit I WANT ONE!!! I "like Gimme Clips on Facebook.
Reese's Peanut butter eggs for sure! Why are they even better than the cups?
My new favorite Easter Candy is Sweetarts Jelly beans...... Yummmooo!!!
I like Gimme Clips on FB!!!
What a cute kit! I 'like' Gimme Clips! I wish I could run out to Costco and buy one, but we aren't in Utah. Thanks for a chance to win one!
My favorite Easter candies are chocolate covered marshmallow eggs and black jelly beans! Thanks for a chance to win!
Thank you for the chance to win this fabby prize!!! I've been to Gimme Clips and am now a *liker* : )
My favorite Easter candy hands-down...PEEPS! But they MUST be yellow and they must be chicks!
Cadbury eggs are my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for a chance to win the AWESOME kit! Wish I had a Costco near me! :o)
Oh I almost forgot to tell ya I LOVE, LOVE, Mounds Eggs for Easter time.... They are a Favorite of mine! Coconut and chocolate are just YUMMY! :O)
I "Like" Gimmie Clips on FB!!
I LOVE the Cadbury Mini Chocolate Eggs!! SOOOO YUMMY!!!
Very cool and what a fun package of goodies...Good Luck Ladies!!!
P.S. my favorite candy is anything CHOCOLATE!!!
What an awesome kit. Too bad I don't have a Cosco near me. Thanks for the chance at another great givewawy. My favorite candy would have to be anything with chocolate in it. That really narrows it down. lol
My favorite Easter candy is the Skittle Jelly Beans. They are awesome and come in the colors of the rainbow. Thanks for a chance to win this awesome group of products to have fun with.
I sure would love to win this! My favorite Easter candy is the chocolate covered marshmellows :)
No Costco here! Would love to win this kit!!!! My fav Easter Candy is Reese's Eggs.
Would love a fun kit like that. Actually my 11 year old daughter would flip over something like this. I might be able to actually get her into her jeans after she blinged them up a lot.
My favorite candy is anything with chocolate.
I like the gimme clips facebook page.
Wonderful kit! I like this in Facebook page
and my favorite candy in easter is in Brazil We do chocolate's eggs!!! rs
Tks and xx
I was more than happy to LIKE Gimme Clips on Facebook!
My favorite Easter candy is of course chocolate, but what kind of chocolate? Hmm... those rice krispie bunnies are pretty yummy!!!
I like gimmie clips on facebook! Wish they had this at my costco in washinton!
My fav. Easter candy is Cadbury Eggs!
I liked gimme clips on facebook
My favorite easter candy is Nestle Crunch Eggs.
My favourite Easter treats are marshmallow eggs :)
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I "like" Gimme Clips on FB :)
No Costco near me
Thanks 4 the chance
I like "Gimme Clips" on FB!
My fav Easter candy is Cadbury mini eggs, not the filled ones, but the solid chocolate ones covered with a candy shell...YUM!!
What a great kit! My favorite Easter candy is Peeps.
I went over & "liked" Gimme Clips on FB
whoopers easter eggs!!! Great giveaway thanks so much!
Oh my goodness!!!!! I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this kit!!! I liked you on FB! :D
My favorite Easter candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs - they taste different than regular peanut butter cups - something about the peanut butter/chocolate ratio. ;)
Now what would i bling...everything !!
So as for the question.. any good chocolate is appreciated but i must admit i have a soft spot for cadbury creme eggs the fresher the better:)
My favorite candy is asolid milk chocolate egg from See's candy.
Next I would love to thank you for this opportunity to win so much bling. I am really hoping my number comes up.
Of course i liked on facebook...michelle jadaa
love that kit ! Too bad I have no Costco anywhere near me, or I'd be buying it right now ! Favorite Easter candy is any version of the Reese's Easter "series" - the Reester Bunnies and the Reester Eggs - have been eating them since they first hit the shelves !
Oh - and I liked GimmeClips on FB - almost forgot ! (Have LOVED Imaginisce for a long time )
I like GimmeClips on FB :)
My favorite Easter candy is Cadbury Mini Eggs (dark chocolate of course) I hope I get some tomorrow!!!
I like Gimme Clips on facebook
I love anything chocolate so... most Easter candy is my favourite!!!!
I like Gimme Clips on FB
Cadbury Caramel Eggs are my all time fave!
Wowzers!!! Nice prize!!! I would love to win one of these packs of bling!!! I'm pretty sure Costco in Canada won't have these awesome babies!!! (boo hoo we miss out on so much cool stuff). Thanks for the chance. I'm going back to watch the video right now.
gaudet5 at rogers dot com
My favourite Easter candy has to be the Cadbury easter cream eggs. For Sure!!!!!!!!!!! Yummmmmmmmmmmmy
gaudet5 at rogers dot com
I like Gimme Clips on FB.
My favorite Easter candy are the peeps. I only eat them around Easter, even though they are out for different holidays. But for some reason, Easter, they just taste better.
I liked Gimme Clips on Facebook! (though actually I LOVE them! LOL)
OH--and my all time favorite Easter candy is jellybeans!!
I liked on facebook!
kristi.griggs86 {at} gmail {dot} com
And my weakness is the cadburry eggs. Nothing special... just the plain ones. I eat about 1 a year because they're so sweet... but o-m-g!!!! yum!
kristi.griggs86 {at} gmail {dot} com
I "liked" Gimme clips....
angelbaby404 at gmail dot com
I liked Gimme Clips. And my favorite easter candy is. Wow, I can only pick one. Okay, that would be the white chocolate covered Resses peanut butter eggs. Yum!
rsmobley85 at gmail dot com
my favorite Easter candy is Starburst jelly beans... good thing you can only get them aroung Easter...hehe
angelbaby404 at gmail dot com
I like both on Facebook! Woohoo!
thanks for the chance to win...this looks awesome!!! tfs...i went over and "liked" gimme clips on facebook!
My faveorite easter candy is cadbury mini eggs!! tfs
I love chocolate any time of the year!! I need this kit!! It looks awesome!!
TFS!! Take Care!!
Jennie @
I liked Gimme Clips on FB!
My favorite Easter Candy has to be Cadbury Eggs... yummy!
What a fAbUlOuS giveaway! I 'like' gimme clips on FB! I have my fingers, toes, & eyes crossed that I win! Thanks for this opportunity!
My fAvOrItE Easter candy is the huge Kinder Surprise Eggs we get from Italy!!! Absolutely scrumptuos! :)
Hello, my favorite Easter candy is Jelly Beans!!!! I can eat them til I am sick!!! Would LOVE to win this FAB gift. Thanks for the chance. Happy Easter Everyone!!!! ChelleBelle
I liked gimme clips on facebook! Now my favorite candy is ALL of it!! I love jellybeans, i love the reeses eggs and the whopper eggs!!! Its hard to pick! Thanks once again for all the fabulous giveaways and your wonderful products! I love this site. I would love to win as I don't own a irock and I'm ready to bling!!!
Happy Easter
Liked Gimme Clips on facebook Pam Harmon Kinsey
scrtsbpal AT yahoo dot com
My favorite candy is Reece's peanut butter eggs. yummy.
scrtsbpl at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this, i just Liked the facebook page for Gimme Clips. My all time favorite Easter candy is Brach's Classic jelly beans (sure wish i could get these year round)
Katsews at gmail dotcom
I liked them on FB!
thanks also for a chance to win!
My favorite Easter candy is the chocolate bunny!
thanks also for a chance to win!
I liked Gimme Clips!
my favorite easter can is chocolate peanut butter eggs. Pick me not live near...all the way in NC
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