
Monday, June 6, 2011

May Challenge Winner!

Every month we recieve so many wonderful entries into our challenges and the design team always have such a hard time choosing just one single entry to take home the i-top package. However, this month we had a stand-out in the crowd that wowed us all and let me tell you, this project even had working lights! So we thought it was only fitting to share this amazing project as we congratulate our May winner:

Michelle created a little frame of a car with our cute Animal Cracker Koala behind the wheel and a fun picture of Isaiah, although we were a bit worried at first that perhaps Isaiah should have had his seat-belt on.

Now Michelle is certainly the envy of quite a few scrappers out there because she has a husband that actually 'gets' her craft and even helps out. Oh to be so lucky! Here is Michelle's husband Kevin working diligently on making the little car headlights work - for real!

Isn't it just amazing? Well we thought so and that's why Michelle is the well deserved winner of the May challenge. Congratulations Michelle, and could you please send us an email with your address details to: and put 'May challenge winner' in the subject line.

Don't forget we have a new monthly challenge which you can view HERE

Oops *blush* I must apologise to Michelle for saying that Isaiah was her son. I hope she can forgive me for not checking first but I was hoping to surprise her with the post. Sorry Michelle, mistake has been rectified now!
- Melinda


Becky said...

Congratulations Michelle!

Scrapper69 said...

WOW! That is soooo COOL! Michelle you certainly deserve to win May's Challenge! That was very creative! Congrats to you! :o)

Auntie Em said...

That is amazing! Congrats Michelle!!! Well deserved!
Thanks for sharing! :)

Cindy Groh said...

I knew it when I saw it. This one rocks and is going to take the cake. Well done Michelle!! Enjoy your prize because you certainly deserve it for this wonderful creation.

Jodi said...

Wow!!! Amazing project!!! Congrats, Michelle!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Congrats on win. Nice that your husband shares in the hobby with you.

Robyn Schaub said...

Congratulations, Michelle!

Michelle McClure said...

I'm kind of flabbergasted that you would give me my own post! Thanks for the honor. I was shocked this morning when upon opening up your blog, my pic staring back at me, I was also shocked to learn Isaiah was my son.

Queen Mary said...

Awesome that Hubby helps ya and congrats!
My Hubby helps me, too! ssshhhh don't tell anyone!

Liz said...

Congrats on the win and a feature Double Glory.
That starts off the week just perfect!

Larissa Heskett said...

CONGRATS MICHELLE what a FABULOUS layout and what a fun idea!! I really enjoy looking at such new ways to use the fun technology!! =)
THANKS form sharing with us and I look forward to all of the fun new challenge entries!! =)

Leah's Crafty Life said...

that is sooo cool!! Congrats Michelle!!

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