As we ring in the new year of 2014 today we want to welcome the new members of our 2014 Design Team. Today through Friday we will be introducing you to our new team.
I'm so thrilled to be a part of the Imaginisce Design Team and to tell you a little bit about myself. I live in a small town in Idaho, it's the potato capital of the world. Strangely enough, though, I don't eat potatoes. My husband Justin and I are parents to 3 beautiful children. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom. My days are spent surrounded by children and creating whenever I get a chance. My passion for scrapbooking really started after I had my oldest son in 2001. Since then scrapbooking has become a lifestyle for me and my family. I am passionate about papercrafting and it's more than a hobby to me. It's a creative release as well as a way of preserving memories for my loved ones.
~ Becki
Becky's Work:

I am Christine Meyer, mom to three rowdy boys and one sweet girl. My hubby and I have been married for 13 years and have lived in Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma before settling in to rural Illinois. I teach music part time and get to stay home with my kids the rest of the week. I love to create cards, layouts, and altered projects in a variety of styles but usually full of bright colors! I am thrilled to be designing for Imaginisce and look forward to spending the next year paper crafting with you!
~ Christine
Christine's Work:
I am SO SO SO SO excited to be a part of the Imaginisce Design Team!!! My name is Courtney Lee and my blog is Court's Crafts. Most of my work will be cards but I dabble in home decor as well! Shaped cards are my favorite and I have an addiction to patterned paper. I am so looking forward to this year and am hoping to inspire you to send home made cards in the mail to people you care about! It's such a wonderfully blessing these days to get something in the mail other than a bill! :)
I live in Carmel, California with my handsome husband and beautiful little girl Emmaline. We have another baby girl due in February and I cannot wait to meet her. A huge thanks to Imaginisce for inviting me to be a part of this fabulous team!
~ Courtney
Courtney's Work:

Hi! I Katrina and I live in Midwest USA. I am currently owned by four Cardigan Welsh Corgis, who appear in my layouts from time to time (or A LOT of the time)! I’ve discovered as an adult that I love to create and craft. During the day I work for a non-profit agency that helps senior citizens in our area. At night is when the crafty side comes out. I was never the artsy type while growing up, unless you count cutting my doll’s hair. I have been scrapbooking since February 2009, when I decided to make a mini album for a friend. I discovered that I loved it! Well, let’s just say after that I went nuts with the paper, scissors, and glue. I love color, the more the better. To define my style is hard, as I do what makes me happy. I like to scrap everyday life and things, you never know what the subject of my project might be!
Katrina's Work:

Hi! I'm Stephanie! I'm married to a wonderful man, have two beautiful
boys, & two adorable dogs! I love Jesus! I also love yellow, monkeys,
red pandas, handmade, vintage, rustic, mangos, watermelons, & most of
all- I love creating and preserving memories through the art of paper!
Such a pleasure to meet you! :)
boys, & two adorable dogs! I love Jesus! I also love yellow, monkeys,
red pandas, handmade, vintage, rustic, mangos, watermelons, & most of
all- I love creating and preserving memories through the art of paper!
Such a pleasure to meet you! :)
~ Stephanie
Stephanie's Work:

I live in a small town in southern Indiana with my husband and 3 kiddos, I am blessed to be a stay at home mommy and wife. I began scrapbooking when our oldest daughter was just a few months old. I had so many pictures, and they were all just getting put into random albums.I was so worried that all of the moments, the stories behind the photos, would be forgotten. I have grown to love this hobby, not only for the memories and moments it helps me to record for my family, but also for the outlet it gives me. The time and care I can put into stretching my creativity, all the while creating lasting memories for my family. I have been lucky to have served/be serving on some great teams, and have had work published in Create idea book from Northridge Publishing. I am so honored and excited to be a part of the team here at Imaginisce!! :)
~ Amanda
Amanda's Work:
Please join us in giving these ladies are a warm welcome!
Join us again tomorrow for more DT intros.
So much talent!! Honored to be a part of this team. Here's to a great year!!! :)
I am so excited to be on this team with you amazing ladies! I can't wait to see what you create!
It's gonna be an awesome year being able to work with so many talented designers that I have admired for so many years!! :) YAY!
So excited and cannot wait to see what the year has in store!
Congrats Lanette and Amanda!
Yay to all of you! Your projects are amazing! We are going to have a fun year!
So many talented ladies...looking forward to a fun year with all of you!
Yay! So happy to be on the team with you girls this year! Looking forward to getting to know you better and seeing all of your Imaginisce creations!
SO HAPPY FOR ALL OF YOU!!! A huge congrats! Looking fwd to a wonderful inspiring year with you!
Big CONGRATS Katrina!!!
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