(Warning: I am VERY visual, so ya get LOTS of pictures! :) )
#1 When I was a kid I wanted to be a ballerina or a dolphin trainer. I got to do one of them! The other makes me LOL! (Photo from a recent vacation when I went to visit “the boys”!)

#3 I LOVE sushi! I always say if we win the lottery, we would hire a full time sushi chef. (I don't think I'm kidding! But all I can think of is that coffee creamer commercial with the barista living in the house! LOL!)

#4 I was a band chick. NOT a groupie! I despised groupies! I was a cool band chick that “got” the music. {snort!} I was SO cool in my own mind! BUT I did get to meet LOTS of cool bands from the 80's and 90's (Van Halen, Firehouse, Slaughter, Warrant, Candlebox, White Lion, Skid Row... I'm getting old. I can't remember them all!) because I worked at a bar while in college where the bands would come after concerts in town.
I married a long haired bass player that still plays in bands on weekends.
#5 I am over 40 years old (that should have it's own line. I can't believe I am admitting that freely!) and I LOVE the “young adult” series “Twilight”. I vowed NEVER to watch those “silly” vampire movies. Well, Twilight was on Showtime for free, I watched, and then proceeded to read all four 600+ page books in a WEEK! I was a shut in! This was when New Moon was about to leave the theaters. I was late to the game! :) TEAM EDWARD BABY! (Oh, and his song “Let Me Sign” MELTS me!! The man SINGS and plays piano and guitar!! Oh Nelly!)

#6 (Related to #1) My heart is in Santa Cruz CA... or anywhere in the area of. I was born in Lake Forest IL, and have lived in WI, NC, and grew up in Iowa, but when I moved to CA, love is the ONLY thing that could have pulled me out of Cali! I love the climate of north central CA, the ocean, the culture... if I could, I would move tomorrow!

#7 I don't drink coffee, and rarely drink soda but I would sell my chihuahua for a chai tea latte. Serious addiction issue. 

#8 (Speaking of my chihuahua) I have three dogs and 1 cat (and a bird) and I would have about 10 more if my husband would let me. I can not imagine a home without pets. Isn't going to happen. (I use to be a Registered Veterinary Technician that specialized in Emergency medicine. Explains a little. :) )
This is Jetsetta Bling. She sits with me when I crop at home and occasionally at the store. She is VERY well behaved, and is trained to stay on her blanket on the crop table! :) 

#9 I would LOVE to be a CNM (Certified nurse Midwife). I actually went back to college AGAIN and had all my prerequisites to go to nursing school, but decided I wouldn't fare well with all the politics. (I was a Doula for awhile, so I experienced it!)Plus, I am recovering from being boldly opinionated. BUT, well behaved women rarely make history, so who knows! (This is my second son who was a 10#3oz. waterbirth!)
#10 I have ALWAYS loved art! In high school (after it was clear the ballerina thing wasn't going to happen {snort again!}, I wanted to be an artist. My father was happy to point out (most) artists are poor. Find another career. :( I use to draw pictures and titles of the subjects of my photo albums and add them to the sticky pages of those books. (AAAHHHHH! Sticky page albums!) It was my destiny to be a scrapbooker/designer someday!

Wanna see more? Come visit me on my blog! I LOVE visitors!
Leave a comment on both Penny's blog and the Imaginisce blog and you could be selected to win!!
Leave a comment on both Penny's blog and the Imaginisce blog and you could be selected to win!!

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and your projects. Can't wait to see more of your work!
Nice to meet you Penny!!! Off to check out your blog!
WOW! what an interesting life!
Sandra ltb
LOVED learning about you Penny!!! :)
Ahh Penny, that is how I came to LOVE the Twilight Saga too.... free showtime... Team Jacob for me tho... He is yummy, I thought yucky when we first saw Edward, but there is something about that man that makes ya crazy as you watch the movie - in a GOOD way!!! LOL
Nice to meet ya, off to check out your blog
staci412 at optonline dot net
nice to meet you
twilight is a guilty secret for me too
You're a woman of many interests! Congrats on making the team.
Love that picture of the chihuahua!
what a sweet dog... ;-)
Nice to meet you Penny! I'm a band chick too. I dated a long haired guitar player for years. Ended up marrying a drummer. :)
Penny you are too funny!!
I am a follower. Loved reading ten things about Penny. I like twilight too. :)
Melissa D
I am a new follower of Penney's blog! Love reading the 10 things.
LOL you are a hoot. Love the pic of your son and daughter. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations this year.
I am now following penney's blog! thanks for telling us a bit about yourself!
Great getting to learn a little more about you! Excited to see your projects.
Loving getting to know more about all of you ladies. Thanks for sharing!
TFS, your comments are so bold, funny and open.
I loved your layouts thanks so much for sharing with us.
Loved reading your 10 things!!! I think we would get along great! I love Chai Tea Latte's too..REALLY!!! Congrats on another year! TFS
Loved your post.....and love your creativity!
So fun to learn more about you, Penny. Thanks for all the pics...I'm a visual person too. Off to check out your blog!
Hi Penny! I just came from your blog!
WOW! You are a very well rounded woman!!! VERY COOL!
Thanks for sharing about yourself.
I must say Imaginisce adn I have the same taste in designers, I have already been a follower to most of this DT members. WTG Congrat on having Penny continue on this year.
Hi Penny! Loved getting to know you and your dog is too cute!
I <3 sushi too. I even got my husband loving it.
Girl ...you crack me up !!! loved reading up about you !!! your so funny!! I love the OMG mug!!
Mmm... I was pretty much a shut in when the Twilight Books came out. I also read them all in a very short time period!
Thanks for sharing!
You sure have done a lot in your 40 years! :)
It was so fun to read about Penny! Now I'm off to check out her blog!
I love these features! Thanks for sharing!
Loved Penny's work!! You have selected an amazing bunch a talented ladies. It is going to be a good year.
What an amazing DT you are putting together - can't wait to see what they bring us! So much funny "getting to know" Penny - love her blog!
I enjoyed Penny's blog and her info about herself on this one! I really like her clean look on layouts!
piacere di conoscere penny
Thanks for sharing a little of you with us! Off to see your blog...
Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. Looking forward to what you create this upcoming year.
Thanks for sharing a little about yourself! Your work is beautiful and I look forward to seeing lots more:)
Welcome Penny looking forward to all that this year will bring.
Glad u are here another term looking forward to it
Wonderful story of you life!
Looking forward to seeing more of your work:)
Thanks for sharing about yourself - so funny that she stays on her blanket, despite all that I'm sure is going on around her!
Was great learning a little more about you and look forward to seeing more of your fab Imaginisce creations :O)
Love you 10 things list, Penny! I'm also a Twilight freak... thought the books were better tho :) I also read all 4 in a week while I was pregnant with DD #2. Looking forward the the last two movies though! You should read Stephanie Meyer's adult novel "The Host". It kind of starts bit confusing but about 25 pages in you will be HOOKED!
Loved your blog! You have such AMAZING projects! Thanks for sharing!
So nice meeting you, I love reading about people. Congrats on making the DT another year. Looking forward to more of your projects.
So nice to know more about you. Glad you're on the team for another year!
Congrats on another term, so nice to get to know you better.
I wish you could all sit and crop with Penny like I get the honor of doing..she is one super fun and cool gal. She totally should have listed what a fabulous dresser she is!! I love her style..cause it's uber girly just like mine..love ya babe :)
Interesting things about Penny. Thanks for sharing.
This lady is a perfect match for me. She loves Chai Tea Latte and Birthday Bash. She is a keeper.
glad to have you around for another term!
What a fun 10 things! Thanks for sharing. It should be a fun year with you on board!
nice to meet you penny. looking forward to all your projects this year.
WOW - how interesting. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us.
Congrats on making the team, Penny! You seem like an interesting lady... Off to your blog now.
Wow. So many interesting things! I am a postpartum nurse and, when in nursing school, had my sights set on becoming a CNM. But, I have since had kids of my own and know too much---L&D scares me now! Very glad to meet you and look forward to learning more!
Nice to meet ya, Penny!
Wheee! I knew all those things about Penny! But I get to hang out with her. ;)
Thanks for sharing. I loved your 10 things!! Great pictures as well!
Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself!
Congratulations on making the DT again! I enjoyed learning more about you. I can't wait to see more of your projects!
I loved your comments..so interesting. Congratulations
It was so interesting reading all those different facts, congrats on remaining on the DT.
Love seeing your work!
Love Penny's blog and so glad you keep her talent here to share it with all of us!
TFS! Great LOs on the blog!
Congratulations on staying on the design team for another year. Your talent is amazing. It was nice meeting you through the blog.
Nice to meet you! Off to check out your blog. Congrats!
I'm over 40 and Love Twilight too!
I love the LO of Penny's bestie on her blog! It's fun to know that there other "Team Edward" ladies out there and Jestsetta Blig is so~o cute! Love her and her name!!!
Oh my is that such a cute name and I would not let Jestsetta bling out of my site... tooo cute
I love love how she uses white space, her projects are great! Thanks for sharing your ten things :)
Great to know you.. and love your layouts and what a princess you have...
Love learningmore about you.
I left Penny some love and became a follower. Love her scrappin' style, and her use of white space!
Penny, I enjoyed reading your list about yourself. I am with you on the Santa Cruz thing. I moved from Missouri to Torrence, CA for 3 years and hated to leave the ocean. Having been to Santa Cruz, I understand. Does the "animal house" mean we will be seeing a lot of animal pictures? That would be great.
Sounds like 2011 is going to be a great year for the DT! There are some amazing artists here! Love reading the ten things! :-)
Not a big sushi fan but did go with some friends over weekend it's always fun.
Great to get to know you. Your blog is wonderful
thanks for sharing..
I am gonna love following Imaginisce and all of it's DT
so cool, love your job! I love sushi also! Never thought about making it...but having someone make it at the house would be nice!!
Enjoyed learning more about you!
Thanks for letting us get to know you. YOur dog is adorable.
Loved your post! 2011 is going to be a great year!!
Loved getting to know Penny! I am now a follower of her blog! LOVED the clean, fresh look of her layouts! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim
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