1. My husband and I designed and contracted ourselves the building of our house. I remember gyprocking a wall after work one night, without the proper tools and little daylight, so it would be ready for the insulation guys the next morning. What an amazing learning experience the whole process was... on many levels.
2. I have never coloured my hair though the older I get the more appealing it seems.
3. My favourite movie of all time is Dirty Dancing. I still wish I could dance whenever I watch it.
4. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate unless it is cooked in something like brownies or cookies. I can't remember the last time I ate a whole chocolate bar.
5. I love to cook. In fact, cooking is as much of a hobby for me as scrapbooking. When we built our house it HAD to have a cold room so I had a place to store all my pickles and preserves.
6. Is there an opposite to the term "movie buff"? If there is, than it would describe me. There is no real reason or conscious decision to be this way and I always enjoy a movie when I take the time to watch one. There just seem to be so many other things to do that TV and movies get forgotten. Did I mention I'm not really into popcorn? Maybe that's part of it!
7. Just so you all don't think I'm completely backwards with the whole chocolate and popcorn thing, I LOVE sweets. We have dessert of some kind with every meal. See number five. I am always baking!

9. I absolutely LOVE the smell of line-dried sheets. I wish there was some way I could bottle that smell!
Photo from e-how.com.
And finally,
10. I always said I would NEVER scrapbook. Something about cutting apart my photos just seemed so wrong and foreign to me. I am really happy to admit I was wrong. I even cut apart the odd photograph now and again, but that's really only because everything is digital now so I can print a new one if ever I want to. So I guess that means I'm still not as rebellious as all that!
I could not be more thrilled to have the opportunity to work for this wonderful company and along side such a talented group of ladies. I have also updated my blog today with my submission pieces so you check out why I was selected to be part of the Design Team for Imaginisce.
Please come back to the Imaginisce blog often to see what we’re working on. There is always something fun and inspirational going on around here.
Please come back to the Imaginisce blog often to see what we’re working on. There is always something fun and inspirational going on around here.
My Blog: Tailored Pages
Leave a comment on both Tracey's blog and the Imaginisce blog and you could be selected to win!!
I love Tracey's blog and I can see why she has been chosen to be on the DT she has some wonderful photography and fantastic artwork and wow she has been published so many times! Her 3 girls are cutie pies! Thanks for sharing her with us!
Nice to meet you Tracey, was fun to learn a little about you... I am off to check out your blog, can't wait Imaginisce has some awesome DT!
ps: too funny how you swore you would never scrap... and look at ya now!!!
staci412 at optonline dot net
Great choice, wow, amazingly talented, Tracey will be a great par tof Imaginise's talented DT, thanks for sharing with us today...
WOW being able to design and build your own home that would be on huge project but at least you can be sure that it is exactly the way you want it. Congrats on making the DT looking forward to seeing more of your projects soon. drayai.blogspot.com
Nice to get to know you a little bit Tracey!
Love what you chose to share- fun!
Loved reading Tracey's 10 things! I love her style and am looking forward to seeing what the DT has in store for us! TFS
Gorgeous projects from Tracey, loved reading more about her.
Congrats on making the team, great projects on your blog!
Great work! TFS things about you!
I enjoyed reading more about Tracey, she is very talented!
Thanks for sharing about Tracey.
I am now a follower. She has a lot of great projects. She has a lot of talent.
Melissa D
Such wonderful projects. I had to become a follower too!
I enjoyed the 10 things about Tracey. I can't wait to see what else she will be designing during her tour on the design team.
Great getting to know you - I also love that scent of line dried sheets! Heaven.
Great to meet you, Tracy! Can't wait to see more from you on the blog soon!!!!
Nice to learn about you! Off to check out your blog!
Great to know some more bout you I am so happy I will ne seeing you here...
You are such a sweet gal...
I am a new follower of Tracey's. Love her work. Enjoyed the 10 things!
Thanks for sharing some things about you. It's fun to read about the imaginisce's team. Thanks!
wo, I am anxious to see her work with the other girls. She does compliment the team.
Congrats again Tracey!!!
NICE to meet you Tracey and congrats on making the DT!!
I've been a long time follower of Tracey and have always loved her creations! It was great learning a little more about her. Congrats Tracey :O)
Thanks for sharing and letting us get to know you better!
Tracey sounds like someone I would love to get to know. And such talent! Great addition as a DT member!
Thanks for sharing about yourself.
I agree with you about TV and movies. The only time I sit down to watch anything is at 9pm after the kids are in bed. Hubby and I will watch an hour or so of something we've recorded! Fun getting to kow you!
WOW! Love getting to know you and congrats on making the DT!
Congrats on the DT. Can't wait to see more ideas from you!
Congrats on the DT! I am also not a fan of chocolate or popcorn! I do like the kernel-less popcorn though.:) And you are so right! SOooooOOOOOOO many other things to da then to sit in front of a tv screen! lol
Thank you for sharing! You deserve to be on the DT!!
Loved reading about you...can't wait to see what beautiful ideas you come up with..
p.s. I love Dirty dancing (seen it 35+ times) and love the smell of line dried sheets myself!! :)
So happy you have joined the DT here, Tracey. I am loving your scrapping style and can't wait to see more! Became a follower on your blog, too! And I've probably colored my hair for as long as you have been alive!
Nice to meet you! Love your blog!
she is too funny!
Welcome back!
Sandra ltb
Congrats on making it to the designteam, Tracy! It's so nice to get to know you a little better.
Thanks for sharing your story, checked out your blog and can't wait to see more!!
Loved your projects. Can't wait to see more of your work. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.
congrats on becoming part of the design team
i love the movie dirty dancing too! And afcourse Grease!
NIce to meet you Tracey! I have to agree with the whole movie thing. I would much rather be scrapping or reading than watching a movie. But I LOVE my popcorn!
thanks for sharing a bit about yourself! i love the smell of line dried sheets as well! and yes i love brownies! off to your blog!
Great to read about you, Tracey! I'd love to see pics of your home. I bet it was a labor love. TFS! Off to check our your personal blog.
All the designers' styles and personalities seem so varied and different. TFS about yourself.
Congrats on becoming a member of the Imaginisce Design Team!!! I also said I would never be a scrapbooker but I have had to eat those words. This has got to be one of the most addicting and most satisfying hobbies that I have ever tried.
OMG!! I <3 Dirty Dancing too!!! My husband thinks I'm nuts. lol
Thanks for sharing a little about yourself!
So candid love your responses!
Nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing!
Tracey is going to be a great addition to your DT! I love her work! So fun "getting to know" her!
Your not alone. I am not a big TV watcher either. Too much going on. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. Looking forward to seeing what you create.
Been and left some love on Tracey's blog, look forward to seeing more of her beautiful work:)
I'm not a popcorn fan but I do love me some chocolate!! :-) Thanks for sharing about yourself!
You KNOW I am thrilled for you! Congrats again, LAdy!! :)
Congrats on the dt spot, can't wait to see your layouts.
great to know you better and I love me some dirty dancing too. I would really love to take dancing lessons. lol.
Who doesn't love Dirty Dancing? LOL! Thanks for sharing!
Congrats on making the team, Tracey.
Thanks for sharing... and I LOVE dirty dancing as well =)
Thanks for the tidbits. Congrats
Crazy how you said never, and look where you are now!
Thanks for sharing!!!!! and Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite movie too!
I Love to can from my garden too. I had LOTS of pickles this year that ended up being Christmas Gifts for family and friends
Great stuff, I dropped by and left her some love. Thanks for such fun introductions!
Love your projects and thanks for sharing you 10 things :)
Tracey, Don't do it! If your hair turns grey, you earned it! I always thought trying to contract out building your own home would give one grey hair. Maybe your snow outfit is too short because all that good food you are making is sending you upward instead of outward. Enjoy scrapping.
Congrats on making the DT! Loved reading about you! :-)
Congrats on making the team! Love learning more about you!
Great to meet you. Loved your blog.
GREAT to meet Tracey! LOVE her style!! I can see why she was chosen! I am now a follower of her blog. Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim
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