#1 I am a sucker (hehe) for anything to do with vampires! I was obsessed with Twilight, then I discovered True Blood, and now my latest vampire obsession is the Vampire Diaries. I just can't get enough!

#2 I never liked craft as a kid. My mum is a craftaholic, and would always try to get me interested, but nope, it just wasn't for me. I did used to like collecting stickers though, and I loved drawing and writing stories. Once I had my kids, I used to make little books out of coloured card, with photos and stories about the things we did...and then I discovered scrapbooking and it was like...ah-ha! Now not a day goes by that I don't do something crafty!
#3 I honestly can't live without chocolate. I've tried...but for me, it's an essential food group. In fact chocolate and Pepsi Max are what keeps me going on those late night/early morning scrapathons.

#4 My favourite colour is pink.
#5 I am a huge animal lover. Growing up, I always wanted to be a vet, but the fact that I freak out at the sight of blood, or anything nasty really ruled that out. For the last 4 or 5 years I've fostered so many animals that I've lost count, mainly dogs, but also small ones such as guinea pigs, birds and even mice. I'm planning to start fostering wildlife soon, and I can't wait for that :)
#6 I love to cook!
#7 I love rainy days, especially if I don't have to go anywhere.
#8 In the car is really the only place I listen to music. And it has to be LOUD. At home, I tend to put on my fave dvd's for background noise, even if I'm not really watching them!
#9 I drink loads of tea and coffee. As soon as my eyes are open in the morning, I've got the kettle on to make a cup of tea. Followed by a coffee.
#10 I am a night owl. No doubt about it. I love staying up til 1 or 2am, but unfortunately I always pay for it when I have to drag myself out of bed at 6.30 the next morning. But then I just go and do it again the next night. (Maybe that's why I need the chocolate and Pepsi Max to keep me going?)

If you read through all that - thanks! I hope you feel like you know me a bit better now :) I am thrilled to be back on the Imaginisce Design Team for another year, I can't wait to share all my creations with you all. If you'd like to pop by my blog, you'll see a few of my all time favourite Imaginisce creations.
Leave a comment on both Sam's blog and the Imaginisce blog and you could be selected to win!!
Thanks for sharing! That's funny that you didn't like crafting as a kid and now you love it!
I'm with ya on being a night owl and not being able to live without chocolate!! :) Thanks for sharing about yourself!
I am a follower of Sam's blog. Thanks for sharing.
Chocolate is as essential as water and oxygen.
Love your projects!
I am a follower of Sam's blog! LOVE her style and I agree that Chocolate NEEDS to be a food group! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim
Thanks for sharing!
And feel free to come cook over here anytime! :)
Thanks for sharing about yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing the inspriation you have to share.
can't wait to see more of your projects in 2011, nice getting to know a litte about you!
staci412 at optonline dot net
Thanks for sharing! I am on my way to Sam's blog to become a follower........
Sam's projects are amaazing. Can't wait to see more.
I've followed Sam for a while! I'm so glad she is on this team! Her work is SUPER!!! I love everything she does! I also left her a little love on her blog as I normally do!!! :-)
Hehe! Me too, can't live without chocolate!
Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. Your layouts are gorgeous!
great 10 things
Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself. My sis in law is the same as you regarding Vampires LOL
It's going to be a great year here at Imaginisce with everyone!!! I LOVE chocolate too!! I have a scrappy friend that lives in Wales and mails me the GOOD chocolate. YUM!
I enjoy meeting the designers. It's obvious to me that Imaginisce made a good decision keeping you !
Loved your blog! Such AMAZING projects!! Thanks for sharing your 10 things!
Loved her colorful projects, TFS :)
Left Sam some love! Wonderful layouts and projects! Enjoy reading the 10 things!
Glad u got the craft bug and your projects r great I am looking forward to following you
I too believe chocolate is an essencial to breathing LOL.
Getting to know you .... anyway - Love your style!
Been a follower of Sam's for a while now and just love her style. So glad she is back for another year!
craftychick99 at yahoo dot com
Can't wait to see more of your projects!
Looking forward to more great layouts like those I just saw on Sam's blog!
Fun reading about your 10 things!!! Congrats on another year...looking forward to seeing whats in store for the next year!!! TFS
Thanks for sharing!!! Nice to meet you!
Congrats on being on the DT for another year!
Thanks for sharing all your fun facts!
I love animals too!! and I love the first project of Emily that you had on your blog, beautiful!!
I am now a follower of Emily. Beautiful projects she has.
Melissa D
I am a follower and love your designs. Imaginisce is lucky to have you.
debbie_craine at hotmail dot com
Nice to get to know more about you, congrats on the dt spot.
Hello From one Vampire lover to another!
Love Samantha's Blog and her tutorials and love being a follower! Thanks for keeping her talent front and center!
I'm totally with you on the need for chocolate! So cool to get to "know" you, and looking forward to enjoying your work again this year.
I pretty well only listen to music in the car too, though at home I enjoy the peace and quiet when I am on my own. Looking forward to more of your projects.
I'm a big Twilight and vampire fiction fan too!
LOved reading this :-)
I think I have to agree about chocolate being an essential food group! Fun getting to know you!
I got such a kick out of the fact that you were not into crafts as a child! You have obviously gotten over that! Loved the layouts on your blog!
Hehehe!!! I can't live without chocolate, YUM :) Thanks for sharing!
Ha, we're pretty much opposites, except for the chocolate thing. It is essential for good blood flow if you ask me :)
welcome back!
Sandra ltb
I just love Sam's work.....she is amazing:)xx
Awesome projects! Chocolate is a necessity! I already follow you and I left a comment over at your blog.
sucor_2 at hotmail.com
I am a night owl, too. And BOOOY Do I pay for it! LOL
On weekends I am nite owl but during the week I need ny sleep
from one vamp lover to another congrats and looking forward seeing your projects.
Hi! Thanks for sharing. I'm a night owl too. :-)
Great getting to know you more...
Congrats on the DT assignment fellow night owl.
We could be sisters - so many things in common - thanks for sharing Sam, x x x
Lovely to get to know a little more about a DT.
I am also a night owl and crazy for chocolate!
I can be a nite owl at times lol and oay for it but cup of coffee abd good to go..
We have in common blood freaks me out
= am looking forward to this fabby year with imaginisce
Thanks for sharing-I am addicted to true blood too! Cant wait to check out your blog
I enjoyed reading about Sam this morning and finding so many things we have in common.
I love Sam's work...makes me happy that she decided to start scrapbooking after having children.
very nice work and I can't wait to see what she does this year.
I adore the Vampire Diaries, so you had me there! Beautiful work, Sam! I will go and check out your blog as well. So nice to meet you!
I absolutely love Sam's scrapping style, and I am already a follower of her blog! Can't wait to see more of her inspiring work here!
Loved your blog! Great projects. I love the inspiration you brought to me! Thanks!! I love the 10 things. What a fabulous way to get to know a little something about someone!
congrats on making the design team
you can wake me up for choclate!
Chocolate= Everything I love! thanks for sharing about yourself!
I always liked Sam's creations. So happy she wil be in the design team this year also!
Congrats!!! So glad we get to see your amazing work for another year.
Congrats. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.
Thanks for sharing about yourself!
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
Fun getting to know Samantha! Great addition to your DT - can't wait to see what she brings us next!
Hey Sam! Glad you're back on the DT :) Stickers were one of the reasons I started scrapbooking!
Thanks for sharing a few fun tidbits about you :O)
I am a huge animal lover too but I have your same issue with anything to do with blood. Once when I was a teenager I was given the task of holding the IV bottle while the vet fixed a hernia on my colt. I just about passed out and had to excuse myself, lol. Glad to see you with Imaginisce for another year!
Thanks for sharing! Glad to know there are other late night scrappers out there!
Thanks for sharing your fun facts - and who does not love vampires. I can watch true blood shows and twilight series over and over again!
Juts adore your scrapping style!
Thanks for sharing your fun facts!!!! I can't live without chocolate and diet pepsi. Great combo, huh? LOL
I am a follower of Sam's and did drop bye to leave her some love. That wall hanging is fab and I love chocolate and am a nightowl too
Loved reading about you! Lots in common with #1 being a night owl! LOL Ugh! I have getting up some MORNINGS!
Fun getting to know you!
I Love chocolate and soda also! oh yeah and coffee!!
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