
Monday, November 9, 2015

"Give Thanks" Photo Clip

We're getting ready for Thanksgiving and over the next few weeks you will find some festive inspiration for the holiday season right HERE on the Imaginisce blog. So we hope that you'll stop by!!

'Give Thanks Photo Clip'

Now that it's November, with Thanksgiving looming, I've turned my thoughts to all the things I am grateful for. Upper most on that list, is my family. I found this photo clip at my local craft supply store (as well as this wood oak leaf) and thought it would be nice to embellish with the Give Thanks collection so that I could have a nice photo for my desk at work. 

I began by adhering some pattern paper to the wood leaf. I used the Imaginisce D-Stress tool to sand the edges, cleaning up the roughly cut paper edges. 

Then I used the Imaginisce I-Bond Cordless Glue Gun to attach the leaf to the photo clip. You can see I drew a line in pencil on the back of the leaf where I wanted to run a line of glue. To make sure the leaf was adhered well, I added more hot glue on both sides of the metal clip. I really love that this glue gun is cordless. It is so easy to take anywhere. 

Now that the leaf was attached to the clip, I was ready to add embellishments. Puffy Stickers and Enamel Dots from the Give Thanks collection were perfect!

Imaginisce : Pattern Papers, Puffy Stickers, Enamel Dots(Give Thanks), i-Bond Glue Gun, D-Stress tool

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