
Friday, November 6, 2015

Let's Travel

If you're in need of layout inspiration and embellishment ideas then this layout will fit the bill!!

Monique Liedtke

Hi everyone! It's Monique with once again a travel layout to share. I just can't get enough of the Happy Traveler collection! The bright colors are so "me" and the designs are perfect for just any travel photo I've got!

For this layout I used photos of a recent trip to London. London is one of my favorite cities to visit and lucky for me it's only an hour's flight away. Last August my daughter and I accompanied our American aunt and uncle there and had an awesome time.

Public transport in this city is awesome. You can either choose the underground, the red double-decker buses or the (black) cabs. We used all of them! Like this one day when we took the "hop-on, hop-off" bus and saw all the important sites in the city, or the evening when we went to see the musical Jersey Boys and used a black cab to take us there and back to the hotel. So when I saw the wood veneers belonging to this Imaginisce collection, I could believe my luck! There were both a London bus AND a (black) cab! You understand that I just had to include them on my page!

I also adore all the die-cuts and puffy stickers belonging to the Happy Traveler collection! To cut the title I used my Silhouette Cameo.

Being on Imaginisce's design team has a lot of perks, like getting all the fabulous tools Imaginisce carries! I've always got them nearby when I'm scrapping! Like the D-Stress Tool, which I use to smoothen many of my cut files.

Imaginisce: patterned paper, wood veneers, die-cuts, puffy stickers (Happy Traveler). Tools: Imaginisce cordless D-Stress Tool (engraver & paper edger).
Other: Silhouette Cameo, cutting files from Kerri Bradford (travel) and The Cut Shoppe (let's).
This is it for today! Hope I've been able to inspire you a little bit!
Thank you so much for stopping by our blog today! 

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